Check Out the many reasons you should own a SWALLET.
With all these features you can't go wrong!
No wallet is more compact. (No ugly bulge in the back of your pants).
In fact, it's small enough to fit in your front pockets!
The giant rubber band around the perimeter keeps keys, money and
other articles snug against the SWALLET.
The colorful neoprene lining allows easy insertion and removal of
credit cards.
Even in the strongest surf, the SWALLET's compact rubber exterior
locks it into a wet suit.
If dropped in the water, SWALLET floats!
It's virtually pickpocket proof, and nearly impossible to knock out of
your pocket. (Its rubber casing snugs it into the pockets of even the
baggiest baggies).
Swallet is the perfect way to keep keys, money and credit cards safe
while engaged in a variety of sports and activities.